Celebrating Toastmasters Club Redefluss Bonn 15th Anniversary
Saturday, June 17, 2023 was the 15th Anniversary of Toastmasters Club Redefluss Bonn, a German Toastmasters club.
You should also drop by our website and look at all the resources and articles they have for visitors.
Visit the club here on Facebook.
Meeting Information
Meeting Times : Every Wednesday of the month at 18:45
Hybrid Meetings : Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month – live on site and online via zoom
Address : Design Offices Bonn
Rabinstr. 1
53111 Bonn
The D95 Trio and all members of District 95 wish to congratulate Toastmasters Club Redefluss Bonn for this landmark anniversary and wish them all the luck and continued success for years to come!